Conner is lost in thought, imagining designs...
She has been at Fashion Doll Stylist's Design School for Girls, in Detroit, for over two months now. And she has been busy!
The first photos are of Conner and her friends getting dressed up to celebrate Carnival. April dressed her own divas in bright, feathered, barely-there outfits for the event. And Conner took advantage of all the glitter, gold, and sequins!
(See Fashion Doll Stylist's Post...Carnival 2017!!!)
And then we have a photo record of Conner working: learning drawing, pattern drafting, and design, directing her own little intern (what?!), and helping April with the making of a couture dress modeled after the dress Janelle Monae wore to the Academy Awards... (Check out April's fabulous post! Oscar Buzz '17
Conner looks so cute in these photos. And we know she is happy with April and her dolls, and all of the new friends she has made since she got there.
Now, of course we miss her! But it feels like we are there when we get her photos. And we write to Conner and she reads our posts...
Conner was allowed to dress up her friends for the Carnival celebration! How fun! How funny and cute!
And she even went to bed in her crown and wrapped in a swath of butterflied satin...
Conner had her cute intern, Buffy, doing "...pattern research and putting a selection of swatches in a notebook".
And Conner herself was "...taking notes on the photos April's dolly correspondents have sent via the internet".
Okay then!
The photos below show Conner at work on the beautiful gown like Janelle Morae's at the Oscars...
In Conner's words..."I was given the responsibility of bringing to life one of the principle gowns!
Everything starts off with a sketch...And I am really good at that!
And this will help me to figure out how this dress is made!
Then some pattern drafting, and then I cut out the pattern.
And I had my assistant bring me the fabric...
It was me who made the birds out of silver fabric, and Buffy pinned them in place.
I chose the headband the model wore. Then April helped me with the sewing and added a few beads.
But it was me in charge of making sure the dress fit well.
I am very happy with how the birds on the skirt turned out!
Not bad for my first Oscar dress! What do you think?"
Conner, we think it is fabulous!
Connor is learning more than we even hoped for...all in such a short time!
Although we shouldn't be too surprised. We know April is a focussed, dedicated, top speed worker!
And her dolls, now including Conner there, just get on board! You go, Conner!
Conner is even doing her own photography! Sheesh...
(I am so impressed that Fashion Doll Stylists' models let Conner work her magic, turning them this way and that!)
Now, you'll excuse us. In Dolltown here we have to get back to our...playing.
(You notice April allows us to hiyadolly.com watermark her photos of Conner?
We like to, you know, take a little credit.)
Write a comment
J.Dek (Tuesday, 14 March 2017 20:34)
I really like the photos you took of the doll creating the fashions for the other doll. It is a unique set of photos. Really nice job.
Jano (Wednesday, 15 March 2017 12:00)
Well, thank you J.Dek!
All credit goes to April, Fashion Doll Stylist, a designer of doll couture... Our Conner has been sent there to learn all she can. And what a lot she is learning! :)
Check out April's amazing blog...fashiondollstylist.blogspot.ca
April (Wednesday, 15 March 2017 18:11)
And thank you, Jano, for allowing Conner to come visit us. She is such a good spirit here. Not only for me, but for all the residents here in the house! Conner has so much energy. I'm amazed at how in such a short time, she rounded up some of the dolls and stuffies in the guest room and put them all to work! And....she did an amazing job on the bird dress!!!!
Jano (Friday, 17 March 2017 18:27)
Conner really did do an amazing job! The girls wanted to get into our fabric drawer after seeing Conner's photos. I distracted them by laying out some colorful jeans, tops, and sneakers. That did the trick....promises of an outdoor adventure! They don't even mind that they've been popped back into their basket (they stand in it together and talk and talk...).
We love to hear that Conner got the dolls and stuffies going! We are all about fun work!