It's the McCall Girls!
Nellie and Pamela are the ones in charge of the little ones for this River adventure!
These girls have taken the Babysitter Training so they know just what to do...
The Little Ones don't like to be called babies though. And they think they are old enough to look after themselves. So we had to get creative and think of a different phrase.
Today we are calling them Nounous. We think it is French for "nannies". We'll use it until our friend April tells us how wrong that is. Then we will find another phrase the little ones will put up with....
So, Nounous...you're on!
The little girls are dressed just right for a walk to the River.
Except Gabby! Why are you wearing a dress Gabby?
Gabby loves pink, and ribbons, pretty shoes, and hairclips...
The little ones gather around to tell Gabby she has got to change!
(Hey, Uley has joined the girls. See his bright red hair in the background?)
Gabby asks nounou Pamela to take her back to find some pants.
See her hugging Pam in the back there?
Uh oh...we are running out of little ones' pants! Now what?
Nounou Nellie herds the rest of the little ones off the bridge.
They are getting a head start to the River...
Gabby! What are you wearing?
Why are you here by yourself?
Goodness, Pamela!
More little ones! Look at this bunch!
This is what happens when we run out of clothes for the Dolltowners!
It looks like Pamela opened a dress up trunk to be sure these children could make it to the picnic!
I don't even know where to start!
Gabby in her motley clothes (wait, is that a flowered bathing suit, Gabby?),
and Phoebe in vintage knit, with boots....
And Whoopie in out of control pigtails! (Gabby and Phoebe are impressed!)
When it is time to go...Gabby wants "up".
(Gabby does have a little trouble with her legs.)
We are so impressed!
Pamela is taking her role as Nounou seriously and helps Gabby with a piggy back ride!
This is a doll miracle, if you knew how loose Pam is herself.
No props here, no string, no duct tape!
It is going to be crowded on that River beach!
There is a lot of excitement. A spring picnic...and a surprise!
Gabby hopes it means a ride on the river!
Hmmm, not likely Gabby...we don't like to let you down but let's be realistic.
(We have no life jackets. And that's just ONE reason there will be no river rides!)
But if we are lucky there will be cookies!
Write a comment
April (Monday, 03 April 2017 18:58)
Well, to be honest, I don't know anyone in France who had a nannie so I really don't know the word. But.....that word is so close to the word for stuffed animal: nounours. The difference is that last "R." Nonetheless.....how much fun are those McCall girls! The fact that one would give another doll a piggy back ride is simply adorable!!!! Again, I love how this eclectic mix of dolls all come together!
Jano (Wednesday, 05 April 2017 10:07)
Well, that is very interesting! Nounours... Those McCall girls looked pretty odd to me at first. But I got used to their funny faces and now I am very fond of them. They have quite a following! And great clothes!