Everyone knows that Badger has a big crush on Scout.
Scout finds Badger useful to her schemes of saving the world, or the saving the earth, or stopping poverty, or whichever cause is topmost on her mind.
It's hard to keep up with Scout and her good deeds. So I am thankful that she has bff's to help her. Lula and Evie are gogetters.
And Badger is very good at taking direction, with a smile on his face!
He has brought Scout a gift. Scout finds his gifts useful...usually trading them in for foodbank items for the local foodbank. Just down the street from Dolltown! And she gets Badger to help her pack them... I admire Scout.
Okay Badger! See you! Your alotted time is done...
Scout has discovered that Maggie writes letters.
So Scout invited Maggie for a planning meeting.
Come on Scout, it's a holiday! Boxing day!
Uh oh. Trigger words!
Scout has noticed that there are far more boxes and general packaging used around this time of year.
But Scout, it's a time of giving! A time to show others...
Okay, it's true. Some holiday packaging ends up getting thrown out...
And yes, a letter should be, well, could be written.
Maggie, you're on!
"Dear box users..."
"Let's send the letter to the paper.", Scout says.
"We could hand it out door to door!", Lula says.
"We have to wait now.", Scout says...
"Or time to change into our jeans!", says Evie, who will be happy to get out of her pretty lacy skirt.
After they leave there is a quiet interlude with the Dolltowners
before more Little Darling bff's return.
It's Jiyoon, Fig, and Chantal!
These three spent lots of time together while Maggie was in London.
And Chantal's good friend Douglas comes to see her.
This bunch won't be going out delivering letters.
They are planning to head to the TV room to watch an old rerun of the Nutcracker...
We hear the little girls are coming!
Nine sweeties, with Whoopi leading the way!
Write a comment
April (Thursday, 10 January 2019 07:51)
Well I can certainly understand how the Darlings are so successful at stealing tecgearts of the Dolltown boys. How could you resist the demands of pretty little Scout or Chantal? Me...I give into many demands of Conner!!!!! (Not that she asks for much other than the trips to Paris!!)
Jano (Saturday, 12 January 2019 11:49)
Lol! But all of Dolltown gets to come along on Conner's trips! Glad her demands means she gets popped in the suitcase to Paris!
And yes, the boys' actions are definitely driven by what the Little Darlings are up to!