On reviewing our Awards Day photos, I came across this little interaction amongst the Dolltowners...
A Sasha is giving an award here to Sharon in Spain, who has lots of Sasha dolls, is an expert on them, and sews for them! We've had our Sasha for about 35-40 years...several of them! My children played with them for years and then up they went into the attic.

Our Dolltowners had heard rumours about them, but this is the first time one of them has made an appearance. This little crowd gathered around after Sasha made her presentation. Hal says hi, Zoey says welcome to Dolltown, Gabby gets hands on, of course!

Recently they were retrieved, freshened up, and got shoes from Dotti in our last order! Sharon helped me identify our Sashas! I call them our internationals...
But the Dolltowners are a little surprised because I have kept the Sasha's under wraps. Until now!

The children are asking me when they get to meet the rest of the Sashas. And how many? Well, soon, now that they have clothes and shoes again. And there are two more girls, a boy, and two babies. A clamour of voices begin...
Okay! Soon! I said!

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Sharon in Spain (Monday, 18 July 2016 02:14)
You are really very kind but honestly I'm no expert....I just seem to retain 'useless' information!!! I always say that if I had done as much research on my school work as I tend to do on my dolls, I would have been a brain surgeon by now LOL!!!!
But thank you very much to all at Dollstown for the award, and also to your sweet Sasha for presenting it to me :). I'm most honoured.
April (Monday, 18 July 2016 17:27)
Ooooooo... a pretty new friend! Dolltown is as diversified as real life!!!! I don't know this doll, so thank you for sharing.
Jano (Tuesday, 19 July 2016 13:46)
Haha Sharon! You are most welcome! We have benefited here from your input and from what we glean from your wonderful site!
I love how YOUR love of Sashas shows... We are looking covetously at your cute Sasha clothes! I have been through all our dolly suitcases now, from the attic, and our Sashas pretty much have one outfit each. Sigh. The issues of a doll collector!
And BTW a depth of knowledge about dolls works WAY better for some of us than brain surgery... God bless those who cannot benefit from your skills in that area, but WE do, as doll collectors. I have noticed that you, more than some (and WAAAY more than me) are MORE than willing to jump in and change your dolls. Often the minute they get there. Maybe...you missed a plastic surgeon career?
Have a great day with your dolls! And wedding planning!
Jano (Tuesday, 19 July 2016 13:52)
Hey April! The Sashas are great dolls and we are so happy to have known about them, and owned them, for a long time. They would have been brought out a lot earlier if I hadn't seriously sprained my foot last fall. Attic dolls! I have included info links now on my "Kinds of Dolls" page. Very interesting!
Hal likes her! Well, Hal likes everyone...