Lula Star's New Zealand Family...

Here is a photo we received from Lula a couple of months ago. We couldn't wait to hear more about these cute little dollies with her!


Lula Star arrived home to Dolltown in early August, after months of traveling, and living in Australia. 

And we heard the story ...


At times, when she was gone, Lula was by herself...with only the noise of an air conditioner for company.

So, on one of their journey adventures , to New Zealand, Lani and Fin got her some companions, an international adoption! 

They were so little Lula had to look after them..her family, she called them.


How did she manage 7 little dollies?!


They were all tucked into Lani's suitcase, with Lula, for the trip home.

And you can imagine their surprise when they were taken out and found themselves in a very strange environment.

We have been acclimatising them, keeping them under wraps, and waiting for the right moment.


They are going to be VERY popular in Dolltown. The Little Darlings love babies, especially Xennia.


Lula decided that a hot Beach Day was the perfect time to introduce them to the other Little Darlings...

Well, Lula will have lots of help now to look after her little family!

Xennia wants one of the babies for herself! 

"I'll think about it", Lula said when Xennia asked.

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    April (Friday, 26 August 2016 15:47)

    Oh my. Looks like everyone has their hands full!!! I certainly understand why Lula would want to bring them along. After all, that's her little family! And, it's so nice to see them so well received by the Dolltown community. If you're not careful, though, you'll soon need to rename the community from Dolltown to.....Doll City!!!!

  • #2

    Jano (Wednesday, 31 August 2016 20:21)

    Hi April!
    We are going to count this little family as "one". Can we get away with that? That way we can still accumulate a dolly now and then and STILL maintain our Dolltown status!
    And one bed for all the NZB's (New Zealand Babies) will work I'm sure! I'll tell Lula she gets to sleep beside them so she will be the one who gets up in the night if they cry.
    I'm sure Lani would have worked THAT one out!