Lula brings her family to Terri's shindig...

Miley, Dolltown reporter, heard that Lula is coming with her family to meet Terri and others in the community.

Miley brought Ballet Doll, who hits it off with our new Japanese porcelain, bonding over tea.

Ernie's niece, Cha cha, spots Lula and her family first...

Here they are! Lula and her New Zealand family.

How, exactly, does a child get to have a family of 7 babies and toddlers?

I guess they'll all have to go to our Dolltown Day Care when school starts.

Boneka, our resident Indonesian doll, is thrilled to hold the tiniest New Zealand baby!


There's still enough light to take a few photos of Lula, her family,

and the beautiful Indonesian puppets she traveled home with from Australia.

Boneka got in there too, making himself useful holding on to that baby.

Okay kids! Off to bed!


Time for the Indonesians to retire, too. Oralee and Tamla carried their basket to their room upstairs at Terri's.

Is there a snake in that basket? They were scared to look.

The Disney girls thought the dance was on tonight.

But Terri Lee had to get to bed too.

Maybe tomorrow...

By the time Priscilla finally arrived even the Disney girls are gone.

"Where is everybody?", Priscilla asked.

Come back tomorrow, Priscilla! You missed the action!


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Comments: 2
  • #1

    April (Monday, 05 September 2016 12:11)

    Wow, Lula really brought an air of exoticism to Dolltown! I suppose for the moment, they can all reside in the house, but, my dear, the day will come when cottages will need to be built!!!! All in all, everything begins to in our human world (hopefully without all the problems)!!!

  • #2

    Jano (Monday, 05 September 2016 16:34)

    Hi April!
    Well, we have our eye on some useful residences, as Terri's home is supposed to be just a temporary refuge for newcomers. ...
    And exotic is right! One day I'll explore if there is a sound option here. I can just hear some of the music we could have in Dolltown!