Here's Tink...our sweet and mischievous Tink.
We received this very cute froggy outfit in June from the infamous Maggie and Kate Create.
Tink loves frogs, so she got to wear the outfit first.

But she has had it on ALL SUMMER! And no one else has had a chance.
Tink has worn it for photo shoots, Awards Day, the Ice Cream Party, Birdy's Birthday party...
and now she says she is wearing it to the beach!
No Tink! I went out to the garden to find her...

It wasn't too hard because she was calling frogs.
I tracked down her little voice, "Here froggy, froggy." (Good luck, Tink.)
When she saw me she did her best to run away. I just walked behind her. herding her to the other girls...

Look at Tink! When all else fails...pick me up because I am so cute!
No, Tink...look at that sweater.
There's actually a stain on it!
Was it the plums? Oh no!

Oh ya..look all around, as if you'll find the stain somewhere else.
Tink, you are in serious denial. What am I going to do?
Luckily Xennia stepped in and made Tink face up to the fact...
"Your sweater needs washing!"
Her whole outfit needs to be thrown in the washing machine!
(Okay, I'm handwashing. I do not want to wreck this cute M&K top.)

"Come on, Tink!"
Xennia took Tink to get changed.
It's beach time!
Go find your beach wear!
The sooner you get ready, the sooner we can go!
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April (Monday, 22 August 2016 12:25)
Oh, I totally understand. When you love what you're wearing, you never want to take it off. But you must! Fortunately, there are good friends around like Xennia to lend a helping hand.
Jano (Monday, 22 August 2016 14:49)
Hahaha! Well, the best thing to do with Tink is put something else in front of her, distract her. Xennia got her inside then Scout did just that. Scout! What have you done? She got a talking to! (But secretly I was very impressed. Points for creativity!) Coming up in a blog post!