Faith and Zoey accompanied me to Vancouver Island, traveling by bus and ferry.
We visited family, gathered items to upcycle for a Christmas Bazaar, and found a very cute teddy...

Here we are at the Vancouver Greyhound Bus depot, taking a break outside.
The girls recognize a doll when they see one, and asked to bring him home to Dolltown.
Maybe on the way back, I said.

We spent lots of time at the Harbour Quay in Port Alberni, while visiting.
The girls find friends wherever they go!

These shots below are for our dolly Lula and daughter Lani.
Lani sent a photo from their travels around Australia, one with Lula looking face down through a very scary grate.
It's hard to tell here, but the girls are looking through this walking grate to the ocean below.
Okay girls! That's enough! I'm afraid my iPhone camera will fall right through.
What a disaster that would be!

We found a lovely scruffy teddy at a Salvation Army.
He gets a bath, in the washing machine, when we get home.
And then we decide if he stays, or carries on to a new home.
The girls have already named him. Uh oh.

Scruffy joined us for our ferry trip, allowed out of the suitcase.
After watching the waves behind the ferry for awhile, they asked for a book to read.

Faith looks like I feel, ready for a nap!
We don't have photos of the rest of our trip home.
Grey and rainy in the city. Dark and snowy in the mountains.
The girls and Scruffy had to stay wrapped in their scarf, tucked away in their bag...
But they are happy to be home, where all three get a bath!
And Scruffy gets to meet the Dolltowners.
(Did I just hear one of them say...we've seen teddy bears? Who was that! So rude!)
Write a comment
Natalia (Wednesday, 23 November 2016 00:40)
hi, Jano!
Thank you! It was interesting to learn about your wonderful walk!
Hugs, Natalia ♡♡♡
April (Wednesday, 23 November 2016 13:08)
Well looks like your girls thoroughly enjoyed their trip! Thank you for the beautiful photos of the countryside. And so they've found a new friend, have they! You know Jano, once they name him, it's all over...he's now a Dolltown resident!!!
Jano (Friday, 25 November 2016 15:45)
Hi Natalia!
Thank you for stopping by!
We had a lovely but busy trip and it was fun to have the girls along!
Jano (Friday, 25 November 2016 15:48)
Oh my gosh April!
I think you are right!
He didn't go back in the bag after his wash. And now he is on the "Not For Sale" side of the teddies on display!
That'll teach me.
("But he's so cute!")