Gabby is learning to dress herself. Her doll friends are proud of her. And sometimes offer guidance...
(Click the right arrow on the photo for the next panel. 6 Panel story.)
Characters in order of appearance...

Gabby, a Little Tonner Patsy. We keep an eye on her. She has a curious mind, and few boundaries...

Xenny, a handpainted Little Darling by Helen Skinner. Sweet...
It's a loop right now! Imagine "The End" at the end of the 6th panel. Thanks!
6 Panel Story...then it loops!
Jano (Sunday, 09 August 2015 14:04)
Hi Jeff! Good to hear from you!
I am so glad it works okay for you!
I noticed on mine I have to click on the first photo to start the slide.
You saw the one on "The Others" too? Shady photos...
Getting there! :)
Jeff (Sunday, 09 August 2015 13:28)
I like it seemed to flow well on my phone.