Birdy, Chantal, and Faith hopped in my tote the day I traveled to a nearby town to the big garden store, Art Knapps.
Birdy wanted this terrarium. She thought it looked like a pretty doll case.

Chantal found a very pretty wardrobe mirror just the right size for our Little Darlings.
Look! she says. It tilts!
We have our eye on this mirror!



Write a comment
Sharon in Spain (Friday, 03 June 2016 11:57)
Great little shoppers in the making it would seem :)
Love the tilting mirror, it's perfect for them, but I'm not sure they'd like the terrarium for long...especially not if they become locked in it and don't get to go out with you much ;)
Hugs x
Jano (Saturday, 04 June 2016 10:50)
Hi Sharon! Haha! Yes!Love to shop, at least some of them!
It's my birthday month, as Gord puts it lol, so I keep thinking about that mirror! I wish one had shown up at our Pop Up store! Or I had more time to go yard sale-ing!
And those terrariums...beats a glass doll display case! If I used them! lol
Have a great day with your dolls!
April (Sunday, 05 June 2016 11:10)
Hi Jano. I'm Stateside where I can properly view your website (instead of looking at it on the tiny screen of an iphone 4S)! Like everything else you do, this series is heart-tugging, smile-provoking adorable!!!! I'm holding "Gloria," one of my mother's dolls right now. She says she thinks Faith is a cousin.
Carolyn G (Sunday, 05 June 2016 13:31)
oh what wonderful photos and such beautiful treasures to wish for !! Thank you for sharing your adventures - and I LOVE Chantal's sweet dress !!
Jano (Wednesday, 08 June 2016 12:35)
Hi April! Thank you for your kind comments! I have to remember now and then to check my posts on mobile devices!!
It was great to see your photos of your baby dolls! Quite a switch from your sophisticated fashion girls! lol
But still showing your eye for beauty, even with your family baby dolls! Faith would love to see her cousin in person (in person?)
Looking forward to more! :)
Jano (Wednesday, 08 June 2016 12:39)
Thank you Carolyn!
Chantal's dress was a special order from Erin Green!
I'll post it soon on Kay's great FB page... Love it!
I was surrounded by treasures during our Pop Up Shop. And we had a great response from people who have treasures at home...so many stories!
I bet you have treasures around you at home!