In July, the children came early to the Ice Cream party....
Then off they went on field trips with the Dolltown Summer Day Camp.
Now they are back and we snapped some photos!
The girls gathered around to tell me of their exciting adventures:
- wading in the creek
- acting out "Toy Story" (a Dolltown favorite!)
- picking apricots off the low branches
And running away from the boys who were throwing ripe plums!
"EWWWW!", they squealed.
And the girls told on the boys right away so they wouldn't get juice all over their summer clothes.
Shasta, Whoopi, and Oiya wanted to run home and change so they could throw plums too.
Their caregivers had to do some fast talking... They know I am the clothes washer around here!!
Uley had to change out of his too-warm clothes...we found him a cool Tshirt! It's hot here now!

These girls want to do some gardening now!
They found some little pots. Now they want some flower seeds.
It's August, girls!
(But it would be fun!)
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