Posts tagged with "berdinecreedy"

08. August 2017
Kidz n Cats Jakob, our Hal, brings the little girls to see the Eiffel Tower. Lilac Moon, Gabby, and Vera are amazed!

07. August 2017
The little girls, Tonner Patsy, Berdine Creedy Lolly Pop, and Linda McCall...

29. July 2017
Will, the boys, and Little Darlings Tink and Xennia come to the garden to see the Eiffel Tower! Fun!

20. October 2016
The children came in waves... While the Little Darlings were off on a fieldtrip, these girls gathered for a lesson!

15. August 2016
In July, the children came early to the Ice Cream party.... Then off they went on field trips with the Dolltown Summer Day Camp. Now they are back and we snapped some photos! The girls gathered around to tell me of their exciting adventures: wading in the creek acting out "Toy Story" (a Dolltown favorite!) picking apricots off the low branches And running away from the boys who were throwing ripe plums! "EWWWW!", they squealed. And the girls told on the boys right away so they wouldn't get...

08. March 2016
Just after the kids' Valentine photo shoot, Gabby got ahold of a camera... "Now, who shall I take a photo of...Me!!" she says.

02. March 2016
While the little girls were still playing in the Pink Room, Oiya showed up in jeans and a shirt. Uley said it was so sunny outside and Oiya wanted to go out to play with him. Okay, but put some shoes on, Oiya!

26. February 2016
It's little Linda McCall, with McCall's Betsy and Barbara. Also Paola Reina Liu and Agnes Dreary in a pink ribbon! In Dolltown, that's Pamela, Nellie, and little Vera. And Ling in a plaid skirt and Vikka in her black boots.

16. January 2016
On Snow Day, Uley got to go snow jumping with the older kids. He was even first to jump! So he was excited to bring his little cousin, Lilac Moon, to the jump... Long way down, kids! Lilac's game!