This is where we left our story...
Tink and Xennia found the crayons, Birdy and Rosa unpacked the Eiffel Tower model from Aunty April, and the four of them were ready to start...
Let's get going on the Eiffel Tower!
Grab a color and color what you want!
But then Pearl showed up, and Zoey.
And with a quick assessment of the scene, the pair took charge...
"Clear out!", they said nicely to their friends... "until we have things organized...."
"And then tell all the girls to come to the Community Center!"
Off went Rosa, Tink, and Xennia in one direction.
And Pearl left too, in the other direction.
Pearl left to collect organizing containers for the crayons, and her thoughts.
Zoey and Birdy opened the instructions, and discovered they were in French!
They called Chantal to help. She is the most likely little Darling to figure them out...

After Pearl returned and handed out hairties for serious coloring, she settled in to sort crayons.
Zoey and Birdy sorted the coloring they were about to do.
And Chantal read the directions, the best she could!
Then the four of them studied the tower pieces, looking carefully at the design covering the pieces.
We'll post what they found....
Write a comment
Sharon in Spain (Sunday, 15 January 2017 14:28)
Well that is a lovely Eiffel Tower to colour in, I look forward to seeing what the girls come up with!
Jano (Monday, 16 January 2017 11:20)
Hi Sharon!
Thank you! We are enjoying it!
I feel like a child with four dolls at a tea party, with real tea in each cup. And having to drink each cup to keep the party going. Where's my crayons! lol
April (Monday, 16 January 2017 14:35)
The girls certainly look motivated and Pearl looks very organized. Hope they are able to figure out the instructions. I didn't want to open that package before sending it to you, though I feared there might be instructions in French. I was hoping they'd be mostly visual. Well, that is quite a project to keep everyone busy while it's cold outside!
Gloria (Tuesday, 17 January 2017 15:35)
I love all of your dioramas and stories ! But not least of all your beautiful dolls . Keep up your fun stories ❣
Jano (Wednesday, 18 January 2017 11:33)
Oh April! I am glad you sent it regardless... Easy peasy! We have a rudimentary understanding of French and we have google when we get stumped. lol
And there are drawings! Nothing but fun and learning!
Jano (Wednesday, 18 January 2017 11:37)
Hi Gloria! Welcome to Dolltown!
Thank you so much! I love our beautiful Little Darlings and enjoy working with them so much.
The dioramas are very fun to gather for, and set up!
I hope to keep up the stories...or perhaps it's keep up to the stories! lol
Come back any time. We love the company!