Today's the day!
This Eiffel Tower model (a gift from Fashion Doll Stylist from Paris) is covered with over a dozen types of flowers, several different butterflies, two types of birds, and lots of greenery. And paper lanterns...
After a winter outing, the girls gathered in the Library, in small groups, to get this Eiffel Towered colored.
They were told it had to be done before they even thought about Valentine's Day!
That sure got them motivated...
And they love coloring! The girls stuck to Pearl's coloring rules, picked their favorite crayon color and applied themselves to the task!
(We wish all our tasks were as fun as this one!)
Zoey started with red, and Pearl joined her with a blue crayon...

Chantal chose mauve and Birdy chose yellow.
These girls have been very patient!

Faith and Jiyoon switched to two shades of pink at the last minute and colored lots of flowers...

Rosa, Xennia,, and Tink added coral, fuchsia, and orange...

We were impressed with Xennia because she stayed after her friends left to finish her coloring!

Evie, Lula, and Scout finished their flowers with light orange, turquoise, and dark purple.
Then Pearl showed up with several green shades of crayons to color all the greenery...

Rosa came back to help with all the leaves and stems.
And these girls did a great get-it-done job, with promises of cookies when they were finished.

Jiyoon, Birdy, and Pearl then returned to color birds, butterflies, and lanterns. Exciting!

Pearl, Zoey, and Birdy stood and admired the work they have all done!
Then Chantal showed up with good news. Look at her skirt!
Several pairs of valentine socks and a pair of scissors showed up back in the Community Center!
From coloring to Sockwear...
Life is fun for Dolltown dolls!
Birdy left with Chantal while Pearl and Zoey packed away the Eiffel Tower model.
We'll get it out again, and build the Eiffel Tower after the snow is gone and we can see the grass again!

Thanks girls! Outstanding effort!
I must say this post was like commentating a hockey game...
Now, let's go see about these socks! Sockwear?
Write a comment
Carolyn B. (Tuesday, 07 February 2017 21:36)
I wanted to leave a comment to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. The stories and photos are just charming!
Jano (Tuesday, 07 February 2017 21:44)
Hi Carolyn! Thank you so much! It is fun... :)
April (Monday, 13 February 2017 15:29)
Hi Birdie. Hi Jiyoon. Conner here. Wow, I am impressed. You girls are really picking up speed with the coloring. And you're doing such a great job. Thank you, Pearl, for keeping everybody organized. Why it will be finished in no time! Oh yes, sockwear is sooooo much fun. Just let your imaginations loose!!!
Jano (Wednesday, 22 February 2017 21:23)
Hi Conner! Isn't it great! We love April's Christmas Eiffel Tower gift...so much fun and we can't wait to put it together!
Pearl was very nice about her rules. It all worked out really well!
Okay! Gotta go! Time for sockwear!