Zoey Gets to Dress Up as The Witch!

The Characters

Miley, our Dollygood.news column writer, has a unique perspective that allows her to comment on the goings-on in Dolltown. First, she's a singleton, being the only Kim Lasher doll we have, so she tends to be impartial. Second, she is trusted by everybody, so she gets the best stories.

And third, she is trained as an Observer, but allows herself opinions and conjecture...

So her "Miley's Musing" column is a big hit with the other dolls, and the Hiya Dolly subscribers....

Ling is a Paola Reina Les Amigas, so she fits right in with the Little Darlings. They can share clothes! Yay!

But Ling may settle in with The Others in Dollton Abbey.

She has that look. And they have an amazing playroom...

Zoey is the well traveled Ana prototype, settling in to day to day life in Dolltown. The other dolls tend to listen to Zoey, even though she is just arrived, as she has a natural authority, as well as her natural kindness...

And Skeleton, playing a bit part here, as a part of the Halloween setting. He is amused...

Dollies are sharing the Paola Reina witch outfit.

Ling has the hat and Zoey asks to use it for a while.

Ling likes wearing the hat but knows she has to share.

Miley likes being involved, in her Dark Cape!

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