So, the Iples invited the Dolltowners to a Spring Celebration!
The Dolltowners love it when the Iplehouse BJD's get involved with the Dolltown goings on. And an invitation!
How special!
The Little Darlings, who received the message, wondered who would show up...the boys? Lee? Asa herself?
It's the girls! Here's Cordelia Odelle...and Tania Aira and Violet Raven come too.
And they are gathering Spring decorations...

The Dolltown Abbey Meadow, where lots of play goes on.
A bench for relaxing. And Spring things...

Odelle has taken charge.
She is feeling "all that" because of this new lux wig she's wearing.
(Tink's out of control braids have been brushed into these luxurious curls!)

And Aira, beloved by all the children, is pitching in...

Violet Raven brings golden bunnies, always a hit at Spring Celebrations.
Until they are gone!
(After it's discovered that they are delicious chocolate under the gold!)

We all love these Iple girls!
They are obviously useful as well as beautiful!

And how smart to enlist the Paola Reina Amigas!
These cuties have decided to pursue chef skills, and are always in the kitchen!
So the Iples have invited them to the Dolltown Abbey Spring Celebration as official caterers.
They have been practicing their chocolate and candy making skills....
And the piece de resistance, a huge candy ice cream cone. Yum!

The three amigas have changed out of their chef clothes...
Undeen is looking very springish in her purples.
And Ling and Kwilla in their pastels..

They leave a basketful of Spring delights...

Off they go, back to prepare something more substantial for a real dinner.
Ham? Turkey? ...Rabbit?
Ready for the Little Darlings!
Ready for some chocolate!
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