These Little Darlings decided to dress up in old fashioned costumes!
When they were ready, they excitedly headed out on the path to Dolltown Abbey, by themselves!
Lucky it's Dolltown!

Coco hears something coming!
It's Priscilla!
She catches up with the girls, to watch over them...
She fits right in to this group of Little Darlings!

And Raven Bird shows up, too!
We haven't seen her since last Halloween (where does she go?).
Sparkly! With such dark eyes!
Birdy meets her for the first time!

"Time to go!", Priscilla says.
It's getting dark on the path!

Are they being followed?
Is someone behind them?
Oh yes! More Dolltowners coming!
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April (Friday, 28 October 2016 17:22)
LOL!!! Okay, I get it.... They're going to the party dressed as.....vintage dollies!!!! Ha ha ha!!! And yes, you're right. Priscilla fits right in! Wow, Birdy is brave. She's not scare of the raven. (Birds terrify me!)
Sharon in Spain (Sunday, 30 October 2016 13:27)
WOW the girls are looking very done up for Halloween! Lovely costumes :) I hope they have a lot of fun.
Jano (Monday, 31 October 2016 12:43)
Hahaha April...that's right!
Anything that looks like dress up. We have a long way to go for costumes for all!
But masks...hmmm. Next year! lol
No, Birdy is not afraid of her bird friends...
And if you were here looking out the window flying in and out of our cedar bushes you might like them too! With the glass pane between...
Jano (Monday, 31 October 2016 12:49)
Thank you, Sharon!
The pink dress came with Helen Skinner's Xennia! Complete with fabulous bonnet!
The other dresses were stripped off unfortunate porcelains, now in a box awaiting their fate. :( A sad halloween story...
If the Little Darlings knew, they would be sharing their clothes with the little porcelains and their trick or treats too. Oh dear. Now I feel awful. Keeping secrets from dolls...
I know! I'll dress them in socks! Cut the toes off! Modern fashion. Okay.