Posts tagged with "bjddolls"

11. May 2016
It's the Iplehouse JID girls! Their sculpt names: Violet, Cordelia, and Tania. Here in Dolltown we call them...a variety of names depending on their story characters. They are dressed in their Pachom day dresses... These girls have been at Asa's Open House for a photo, then came to the Bridge to hang out for a while with the other Dolltowners...

11. September 2015
Some dolls... BJD's often come wigless but they usually come with eyes. The eyes are probably acrylic, but glass eyes are available. Glass or acrylic, black or colored pupils, irises in a variety of colors, and combinations of colors. I have a couple of extra pairs of eyes, and have switched out my bjd's eyes several times. To change the eyes, the tops of their heads lift off! I like to show my non-doll owning human friends now how the tops of the heads come off, so the eyes can be changed. But...

17. August 2015
They came with names, most of them. Then I gave them names myself, when I got them, most of them. And some of them have had their names changed since then. For a variety of reasons. This is an Iplehouse "Tania" sculpt. You can find her by googling this name. You can choose her skin color, and levels of movement you want her to have, and her face-up, if you actually order her. And you can choose her hair and eyes once you have her. And those things can change the name you think she should have....

31. July 2015
An odd thing about bjd's.... That stands for ball joint dolls, for any newbies to the doll world. Before I communicated with other doll collectors, and before I started to hang out on bjd Flickr pages and blogs, I imagined that the bjd dolls I was pouring over, came from A fantasy world, or as Phoebe puts it, a parallel universe. The world created itself in my mind, populated with gods, fairies, elementals, giants, spirits...dolls with special powers or attributes. I started to...

29. July 2015
No wonder he's confused, poor lad... (You mean besides the fact that he looks like a girl? ...That's enough! There's a different standard of masculinity in the bjd world. Don't get me started!) Jack has discovered that he is a r-e-c-a-s-t. I told him he was a knockoff when he asked why he was different than his Iplehouse brothers. It Recasts (shhh!) are not respected in the doll world. My friend didn't know when she gifted me with this beauty. (Who could resist him! He looks like...