Asa has invited, not only our reporter Miley, but ALL the Dolltown dolls. Does she understand what she is in for?
Actually yes. She worked it out with the Juniors here, and with Lee and business partner, redheaded Arlen. They know the numbers and have worked out a schedule!!
(We do say we have 100 dolls here, although that number fluctuates.)
It will take more than one day, they figure...
Tell me about it. I am the photographer. Phew!
And Miley, who was first, and came the day before the Open House started, wants to meet up with the dollies as they return from Dolltown Abbey to get their stories!
The Inner Circle

The Open House is a surprise...
Iplehouse bjd, Asa, emerges now and then from her Dolltown Abbey estate. But when she does, it is usually at night, or in her hooded cape by day. But she knows exactly what is going on in Dolltown. She has people...I mean dolls, and creatures, to keep an eye on things and report back to her.
"Report back to her"? Yes, actually, the Iples were brought in as security for the Dolltown residents. And Asa is in charge.
The dolls, of course, think Lee is the boss. Why wouldn't they? He IS the boss of the business ventures that the Iples and Arlen are involved in...the magic water, the invisible wall (Dolltown's wall is the prototype), and the Dolltown Doll Agency, of course.
But Asa is the Dolltown Abbey chatelaine AND oversees all the security, running the Juniors' shifts. She alerts Lee to possible security problems, if he hasn't noticed them already. Asa herself rides the Dolltown perimeter at different times during both day and night. And, of course, she has to put special attention on the opening, The Path....
But an Open House? In her personal room?
So, I am curious about this change, this reaching out to the Dolltown Community. The dolls themselves are excited!
I understand our Little Darlings are first up, coming in groups. Asa is not used to a LOT of children at one time.
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